Even though autumn has just begun, and winter seems to be a long time away, the horticulture team at Centennial Parklands has spring on their mind.
The team are currently planning the beautiful spring displays that captivate visitors strolling through the Column Garden and Rose Garden during the warmer months. There is a vast array of plants being planted over the next few weeks but here are five of our favourites that thrive in the Parklands.
Flowering from early summer through to autumn, Pentas aren't picky and can grow in full sun to part shade - they are great garden plant that come in an array of colours. We are growing two cultivars of Pentas lanceolata, the Kaleidoscope Mix and Graffiti Mix which are sure to provide months of wonderful pink, white and red flowers.
Pentas prove to be popular with visitors who are snap happy on Instagram because of their vibrant colour.
The genus Salvia contains many excellent and hardy plants that thrive in our fast draining sandy soil. One species we really can't get enough of is the Mexican bush sage Salvia leucantha. With is soft velvety silvery foliage and long flowering season this is one of the most rewarding plants in any Sydney garden.
You can see a few stunning examples in The Ian Potter Children's WILD PLAY Garden where kids often can't believe how soft the flowers are.
Salvia leucantha in white and purple thrive across the Parklands.
Another not-so-picky plant tops our list. Neptas are terrific for gardens providing a lot of colour and will tolerate full sun to partial shade. They like a well-drained soil with some moisture particularly if grown in full sun.
With their soft grey-green foliage Nepeta are great to have throughout the a garden border harmonising any colour scheme. This year we are growing two cultivars of Nepeta nervosa with Blue Moon’ which has spikes of purple-blue flowers and Pink Cat with abundant pink flowers.
Neptas harmonise the colour scheme in most gardens.
These tough North America natives have very showy yellow or gold flowers that really pop. Blooms start in spring with a stunning display all summer and well into autumn.
This spring we will be planting a number of Rudbeckia including Rudbeckia fulgida var deamii, Rudbeckia laciniata 'Herbstsonne' and Rudbeckia fulgida var. speciosa. We will be using Rudbeckia fulgida ‘Goldsturm’ which holds the prestigious Royal Horticultural Society garden merit award for their stable form and colour and resistance to pests and diseases.
Goldstrum Rudbeckia is a hardy plant that adds a pop of colour to the Parklands.
Another North American native that thrives in a sunny position and well-drained soil. Commonly known as humming bird mint, Agastache are very attractive to nectar feeding birds and bees.
These low maintenance perennials have fragrant foliage and blooms all summer and into autumn. We will be planting cultivars of Agastache mexicana from the Forever Summer range to add a reddish hint to the colour scheme.
Agastache mexicana
It doesn't stop there
Some of the other plantings planned for the Park this spring include Echinacea, Felicia, Gaillardia, Lobelia fulgens, Penstemon, Perovskia and Scabiosa.
Let us know if you have a favourite by adding a comment below or by tagging us on Instagram @CentParklands #CentennialParklands.