Greater Sydney Parklands are going full steam ahead with tree planting this year as part of the Premier's Priorities Greening Our City initiative.
Since January 2021, Centennial Parklands have planted 181 trees across Moore Park, Centennial Park and Queens Park, with a hundred of those being advanced trees ranging from 200L to as large as 1000L pot sizes.
Recently, a 1000L Angophora costata (Sydney red gum) was planted in the front lawn of The Residences, pictured below:
Five 600L Ficus macrophylla (Moreton Bay figs) were planted along Anzac Parade to replace trees removed for the construction of the Sydney light rail project and fill in space between our iconic mature avenue of figs.
Thirty 200L Ficus rubiginosa (Port Jackson figs) were also planted along Grand Drive, which was propagated from superb and interesting specimens growing at the University of NSW, and form part of the Grand Drive tree replacement project.
A new Port Jackson fig along Grand Drive.
Earlier in June, Greater Sydney Parklands Chief Executive, Suellen Fitzgerald, hosted a tree-planting for the late Jack Munday AO, who dedicated his life to preserving and protecting Sydney’s heritage and environment. A young Moreton Bay fig was planted in Centennial Park - a place he fought to protect - in his honour. Thanks goes to Randwick City and Waverley Councils who also collaborated on the project.
The tree-planting ceremony along Anzac Parade featured the late Jack Mundey AO family and friends, councillors, Centennial Parklands horticulture team, and Greater Sydney Parklands representatives.
Over the next year, the horticulture team at Centennial Parklands will plant hundreds more locally-sourced native species of trees as part of an intricately planned, large-scale woodland. The end result will be something to behold.
Did you know…
That more than 16,000 trees grow in Centennial Parklands, including 115 different species and at least 59 families of species?
The oldest tree we estimate in the Parklands could be 153 years old. While some believe trees can live for over 500 years, trees in Australia usually fall well short of that due to our climate.
One of our most mature Ficus macrophylla (Moreton Bay fig) on Anzac Parade.
Our team spend a lot of time caring for our Parklands’ beautiful trees, to ensure they live for as long as they can. Find out more about how we manage our trees and the different types here.
We encourage everyone to connect with our beautiful trees this National Tree Day. Why not try our fun and engaging tree trail activity to complete during your next visit.