In Spring and Summer, park visitors may see turtles on the move, looking for nesting locations to lay their eggs. Drivers should be alert for turtles and other wildlife crossing the road.
If it is safe for you to do so, you can assist a turtle across a road by gently lifting it and placing it on the other side, always in the direction it was heading. If you think the turtle is a red-eared slider turtle, please contact the Centennial Parklands Rangers by calling 0412 718 611 immediately.
What is a Red-eared Slider Turtle?
The Red-eared Slider Turtle is a native of the Mississippi region of the USA. They get their name from the small red dash around their ears. The “slider” part of their name comes from their ability to slide off rocks and logs and into the water quickly.
And what is the problem?
It is aggressive and has the potential to destroy our native turtle populations.
Originally imported as aquarium pets, many have been released once they outgrew their tanks. They are now an illegal import into Australia and many other countries around the world.
They are listed in the top 100 Feral Animals of the World and are a Declared Pest Species across Australia.
Learn more
Download a fact sheet on Red-eared Slider Turtles.
Keep an eye out for this pest species. Spotting turtles in the Parklands is a fun activity for many, but if you suspect that you see a Red-eared Slider Turtle, you can do a great service to our native turtles and aquatic ecosystem by reporting the sighting online.
If you have seen or caught a Red-eared Slider Turtle:
Please don't dump your pet.
Thanks for helping keep our ponds and our native animals healthy.