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10 Oct 2018

Debunk(er)ing golf: 4 things you thought you knew

Golf is often seen as a sport for the few and a game in decline – but Moore Park Golf is bucking both the stereotype and the trend. October is Golf Month which is a nationwide celebration to welcome people to golf, and this year's theme is 'share the game you love with the people you love'.  So we are busting the biggest myths about the game for people new to the sport. 

Golf is an expensive sport

The game seems expensive compared to other sports because of the amount of equipment that seems to be required. There is so much advertising for clubs, gloves, bags, towels, course fees and so much more and we end up thinking that we need everything.

New players can get by without a full set and it's best to talk to someone in the pro shop to help you make some educated decisions about equipment. Like most things, golf is as expensive as you make it.

Group sessions are normally less expensive and of course a fun thing to do with friends. Check out your local course for specials such as Swing Fit designed for ladies new to the game at Moore Park Golf.

swing fit, moore park golf, golf month, sydney golf
Group sessions like Swing Fit are a great way to learn the basics.

Golf is boring

Golf is social, and this has to be one of the key reasons to play. There is no other sport you can enjoy with the whole family and across multiple generations in a relaxed environment.

It is a great way to get out and spend some time with a group of mates, whether it is on the driving range bashing a few balls and having a laugh, or enjoying a walk around the greens and taking in the company and great Sydney weather.

moore park golf australia sydney
Golf is a great way to spend time outdoors. 

It's too late to start 

Golf transcends age. Over 50s think it's too late to start and people in there 20s think it's a sport for their parents, but really everyone can enjoy the great game of golf. The majority of people on the course are recreational players not professionals. They are eager to swap tips or chat about the game. 
moore park golf, golf month, sydney golf

It's too hard

Trying a new sport can be challenging at first but golf is a game where you can play at your own pace. You don't have to keep score and you can skip a hole or two if there isn't a group ahead. Make the game your own, play best ball or scramble with your friends.

There are many courses that are now offering 9-hole playing options for those that aren't ready for the full 18. This is a great way to ease into the sport with low commitment and less time to get frustrated or discouraged - which happens to both professional and recreational players. 

Golf is great for mental health. It allows people the opportunity to get away from screen time, spend a few hours outdoors, and just switch off from the world around you.

So what are you waiting for - pick up a club and enjoy the game and check out Moore Park Golf for special deals and promotions during October. 

moore park golf sydney

Did you know? Moore Park Golf was, in fact, the birthplace of public golf in New South Wales, but like the modern game of golf itself, the golf course has Scottish origins.

The golf course was founded in 1913 by two young Scottish immigrants, brothers Duncan and Charlie McMillan. It was designed by Carnegie Clark (a champion golfer, golf club manufacturer, a golf course architect and an organiser of professional golf in Australia…oh, and also born in Scotland).

moore park golf historic picture
Moore Park Golf has been inspiring people to pick up the game since 1913.
Category: Events, Golf
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