Centennial Parklands is a wildlife haven in the heart of the Sydney CBD. Spring is a great time of year to visit the Parklands to see ducklings, cute chicks, baby bat (pups) and an abundance of wildlife caring for their young in their nesting and breeding sites.
Right now in the Parklands visitors can see:
Pacific Black Duck ducklings at Kensington Pond
Wood Duck ducklings at Kippax Lake
Tawny Frogmouth Chick and Grey-headed Flying-fox pups at Lachlan Swamp
Swamphens and Moorhens preparing to nest in various ponds
A number of other birds nesting, Butcherbirds, Noisy Miners etc.
Check out these super adorable pictures taken by our volunteer Tony Spira of new baby ducklings and Grey-headed Flying-fox pups. Thanks for sharing with us Tony!
If you capture any cute wildlife when visiting the Parklands share your images with us by tagging us on social using @centparklands #centennialparklands or email them with permission to use via info@centennialparklands.com.au
Mother duck swimming with her ducklings
How cute are they!
Baby pup keeping warm with its Grey-headed Flying-fox mum
Awww cuddles!
Did you know that there are over 130 types of bird species living across the Parklands? This week is National Bird Week (21-27 October) and if you love birds and want to learn more about them we encourage you to come down to the Parklands and participate in the nation-wide bird count being carried out by Birdlife Australia across Australia. Find out more and how to take part here.