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13 Aug 2013

E.S. Marks Athletics Field – accredited coaches go free

Recently we announced a great new opportunity for athletics coaches at E.S. Marks Athletics Field, Moore Park. Accredited coaches will now be granted free entry to the facility on the Public Open Training Nights.

And what is even better than this news?

Due to growing popularity, and following requests from a number of those training, we’ve now opened E.S. Marks Athletics Field for public training nights on a fourth night of the week.

So, accredited coaches can get in for free AND can get in an extra night of the week!


OK, now who is an ‘accredited coach’?

  • ‘Accredited Athletics Coach’ card from Athletics Australia or Athletics NSW; or a
  • ‘Coach Club Member’ card from Triathlon Australia

Following are examples of the accepted cards for reference:


An 'accredited coach' must have their official acceditation card on them at time of entry (such as these examples)

An ‘accredited coach’ must have their official accreditation card on them at time of entry (such as these examples)


Conditions of the new process

Coaches must have their accreditation card on them at the time of entry, and be able to prove their identity by the use of photo ID (such as a Drivers Licence), if requested. Free entry is for the coach only, athletes, triathlon clubs/groups are still required to pay for their own entry.


Speaking of accreditation…

Our wonderful new world-class running track has now been officially certified by the IAAF. Your world record breaking runs may now be official!


E.S. Marks Athletics Field is a true community asset, providing athletics opportunities for up to 50,000 people a year. The facility is part of Centennial Parklands, a self-funded public parklands. Please help us keep this facility safe, accessible and available to all by adhering to the Conditions of Entry, and abiding by any directions from facility staff.


E.S. Marks Athletics Field is nestled in the eastern suburbs of Sydney

E.S. Marks Athletics Field is nestled in the eastern suburbs of Sydney


Want to know where E.S. Marks Athletics Field is located? Our iPhone app can tell you. Download it now.

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