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Eastern Suburbs Banksia Scrub: A Dynamic Ecosystem - NEW

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Booking Request
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The submission of this form is a formal request for an excursion booking at Centennial Parklands on the date/s and time/s specified. Once we receive your form we will allocate your booking based off of our availability and will respond with a booking confirmation document.

Eastern Suburbs Banksia Scrub: a Dynamic Ecosystem provides senior biology students with the opportunity to engage in data collection along a transect and analyse the varying impacts of abiotic and biotic factors on this endangered ecological community, Aligned with the Module 4: Dynamic Ecosystems, this program enhances understanding through hands-on experience.

Bookings are now available from mid-March 2024.

Stage 6 Biology (Module 4)

Students will gain an understanding of the Endangered Ecological Community, Eastern Suburbs Banksia Scrub (ESBS) through engaged scientific investigation and use this information and their own knowledge to make predictions about the future management and protection of this ecosystem.

ESBS program activities:

  • Measuring biotic and abiotic factors along a transect to determine interrelationships

  • Recognising historical and potential future effects of environmental and human pressures on the ecosystem.

  • Collaborate in small groups to formulate and propose strategies for alleviating one or more of the recognised pressures on the ecosystem.

This excursion is supported with a detailed workbook and provides an opportunity for the development of hypotheses, data analysis on species richness and density, vegetation structure, guilds within bird populations and ecological communities. It provides the basis for a depth study looking at the threats and management requirements of an endangered ecological community in an urban environment. 

Curriculum links and syllabus outcomes:

  • BIO11/12-1 develops and evaluates questions and hypotheses for scientific investigation

  • BIO11/12-3 conducts investigations to collect valid and reliable primary and secondary data and information

  • BIOL11/12-5 analyses and evaluates primary and secondary data and information

  • BIO11-10 describes biological diversity by explaining the relationships between a range of organisims in terms of specalisation for selected habitats and evolution of species.

    BIO11-11 analyses ecosystem dynamics and the interrelationships of organisms within the ecosystem

    Make the most of your excursion with our engaging classroom resources designed to support your teaching.

    The Education Access Pass Program covers all program and transport costs for schools with an FOEI higher than 125 and community organisations that work with groups in need. 
    Please contact us directly with the name of the program and your group size and we can help you organise a free program.
    This programs is funded through the Legacy Fund of the Centennial Parklands Foundation



Fearnley Grounds
Grand Drive, Centennial Park


Full Day


Click here. Minimum charges apply. Discounts apply for full day programs!