Queens Park is a 26-hectare urban park, set in a natural amphitheatre at the foot of dramatic sandstone cliffs, with panoramic views of the Sydney region.
Established in 1888 as part of Sydney's celebrations of the centenary of settlement in the colony, Queens Park has become one of Sydney's favourite places to enjoy casual and organised sport.
The Queens Park playground is located adjacent to the Queens Park sports fields and the Queens Park Shed near Market Street. It features shaded areas, slides and interactive play equipment.
Queens Park Shed is a recent arrival in the Parklands, offering casual dining seven days a week. Alternatively, pack a hamper, grab a rug and relax with friends in one of Sydney's favourite picnic spots.
Only minutes from the hustle and bustle of Sydney's CBD, Queens Park has cricket pitches, soccer, rugby and touch football fields available for hire on a casual or seasonal basis.
A shared cycleway was constructed in Queens Park in 2007, linking the Park with Sydney's Regional Cycle Route 23, which runs from the University of NSW in Randwick to Bondi Junction.