Queens Park was a location for sports fields from as early as 1895 when it was the site of an 11-hole golf course created for the 'professional men' of the colony.
To this day Queens Park is used for informal recreation and organised sport, featuring cricket, rugby, soccer, and touch football fields bordered by sandstone outcrops and established trees. A viewing area located the sandstone ridge on the eastern edge of the Park offers spectacular views of Queens Park with the Sydney City skyline as a backdrop.
Queens Park is home to some of the oldest and largest trees in Centennial Parklands. The Park was planted with Moreton Bay and Port Jackson figs in the 1890s and 1930s and features three Moreton Bay figs that may be older than the Park itself. Monterey Pines, araucarias and Holm Oaks, are also a feature of the tree plantings in Queens Park and it boasts several striking coral trees.
In 2003, the Queens Park Master Plan was prepared by the Trust to guide the ongoing maintenance and use of the park.