Activities - Who will we meet?
1. Bug Hunt
Where do bugs live? Where would you find them? Take a magnifying glass and get searching! Remember when we go looking for bugs it is important not to disturb them or remove them from their home - we just want to observe.
- What types of bugs did you find?
- How many bugs did you find?
- Where did you find them?
- What do they need to survive?
- How do they get these things?
Click here to download a worksheet PDF.
2. Create an imaginary creature
Invent a fantastic creature and then make it using clay or play dough and natural materials such as sticks, rocks, leaves and anything else you can find! You can make play dough with this recipe:
Click here to see our play dough recipe.
3. Build a home for your creature
Think about what your creature needs: food, water, and shelter. What else does it need? Protection from predators? Protection from the weather? Build your creature’s home from found natural materials or other objects you might have.
4. Take your creature on a journey
Think about the habitat it needs, how it might get food, how it protects itself against predators (things that might eat it), and who are its friends? Why would your creature be going on a journey? You can be as imaginative as you like. Write and illustrate a picture book of the journey.