This plan, like the master plans for Centennial Park and Moore Park, provides a blueprint for the sustainable use, management and renewal of the park into the future. It was enacted by the Trust in 2005 and includes the following key elements:
Replanting of trees to edges and internal areas of the Park to provide more shade, and reconstructing the perimeter canopy, which is characteristic of the Parklands
Upgrade of the existing playground
Upgrade of the existing amenities buildings
Construction of perimeter shared accessway as part of the regional transport network and for recreational pursuits
Improving pedestrian and cycle links with Centennial Park at the corner of York Road and Musgrave Avenue
Improving the sense of entry to the Park by creating paved entrances with seating and signage at key entry points
Introduction of viewing ‘platforms’ and seating areas in the eastern parts of the Park to take advantage of elevated views
Modifications to mowing regimes to develop varying ground effects
The potential creation of a café/kiosk facility.
With the exception of landscape improvements in the eastern part of the Park and completion of the Darley Road section of the perimeter shared pathway all these recommendations have been implemented.
As the plan is now over 10 years old it is due for review and updating and this will occur in 2019.
Download the Plan
As this is a large document with a number of graphics, it has been divided into three parts for ease of viewing. Please note that some documents may still take some time to download: