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Site Safety Assessment

Guidelines for event organisers operating in Centennial Parklands


Following the NSW Government's abolishment of Place of Public Entertainment Licences as of 26 October 2009, Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust (the Trust) has activated its requirements to ensure a safe place for entertainment under the existing Site Safety clause of the standard Venue Licence Agreement. Extract below:

Clause 14.3 Site Safety

  1. The Event Organiser must comply with all safety standards and requirements imposed by the Trust or any Government Agency required under the relevant legislation in their production and conduct of the Event.
  2. The Event Organiser must:
    (i) engage an engineer for the purposes of these provisions in relation to the construction of any temporary works on the Site and an electrical consultant in relation to any electrical works at the Site and a fire safety consultant in relation to the conduct of the Event,
    (ii) provide certification from each Consultant in relation to their area of expertise to the Parklands, that the Infrastructure is safe for use for the Event and has been duly prepared for the Event in accordance with the Management Plan, and the Event Organiser must not proceed with an Event without the appropriate Site Safety Certificates having been received by the Parklands.
  3. The Site Safety Certificates must include certification of satisfaction or compliance with any requirement or standard in connection with safety or amenity concerning the Event.
  4. The Event Organiser must apply for, obtain and maintain all registrations, licences, approvals and consents which are required by statute, regulations, by-laws or ordinances in order to enable it to comply with its obligations under paragraph (a).
  5. The Event Organiser must provide, as a minimum, such lighting as is specified by the Trust to facilitate the safe occupation of the Site and the Parklands, the entry and exit of patrons from the Site and the Parklands and clean up of the Site and the wider Event Impact Area, at the completion of each occasion of the Event.
  6. The Event Organiser alone remains responsible for the safe and compliant conduct of the Event and everything done in connection with the Event, irrespective of anything done or omitted by the Trust.

The Venue Services team will work with you to ensure that your event with comply with the Site Safety requirements of the licence agreement. Prior to any event being open to the public and or paying event patrons, appropriate Site Safety Certificates must be submitted to the Venue Services team. This is normally required on the day prior to the event day and may coincide with a physical inpsection of the event site by one or more Parklands staff. This will be arranged at a time suitable to the Parklands and the event organiser.

This review current as at October 2014