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Centennial homestead refurbishments

The Centennial Homestead is undergoing refurbishments to its current facility and will include a new open-form room that will add more seating and space for visitors.

The works are expected to begin in March 2024 and will continue for approximately six months, with a targeted completion date of September 2024, weather permitting.

These refurbishments are being undertaken to enhance the customer and visitor experience, with benefits including:

  • More seating space with the addition of a rooftop area and a new room, to be called ‘The Paddock’
  • Upgrades to the existing interior for dining
  • Improved facilities for weddings and functions.
Restaurant and takeaway facilities will still be available and accessible during regular trading hours.
Yes, the public toilet facilities will still be open for use during these works.
Trippas White Group is leading the refurbishment project and will be in contact with those with affected bookings.
During the works, there will be fewer available parking spots on Grand Drive, outside Centennial Homestead. There is ample free parking within Centennial Parklands.
This work is being undertaken to rejuvenate and upgrade the venue to increase the longevity of the building. It also aims to enhance the parkland amenities for the community and visitors.