What is the event?
The annual Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras celebration returns on Saturday 2 March 2024, which will see the famous parade travel through Oxford St and Flinders, St before finishing along ANZAC Parade, Moore Park.
The Mardi Gras Parade runs from 7.30pm – 11.00pm.
The full parade route can be accessed here: MG23_ParadeMap_FA_v5.pdf (sydneyworldpride.com) |
Where can I find more information about the event and how to attend?
For information about the event and ticketing please visit the official event web page:
Which areas of Centennial Parklands are impacted by this event and when?
Impacts should be limited to Moore Park, with Centennial Park and Queens Park to operate as usual, however, there will be significant traffic impacts due to major road closures across the precinct.
A summary of the Mardi Gras activity across Moore Park is as follows:
- An event operational area, which will be constructed on the Moore Park Bus Forecourt opposite the Sydney Cricket Grounds.
- Toilets and food trucks, which will be installed in Moore Park West to provide facilities to members of the public viewing the parade.I am not attending the event. Will I still be able to access Centennial Parklands on the event day/s?
Yes, you will still be able to access Centennial Parklands, however, there will be significant traffic impacts due to major road closures across the precinct.
What will the traffic and access impacts be?
Some temporary road closures will be in place to safely facilitate the event, including:
- Driver Avenue full closure | 2 March 6.30pm – 3 March 1.00am
- Driver Avenue closure Southern turning circle to Lang Rd |3 March 1.00am – 10.00am
- Errol Flynn from 2 March 4.00pm – 3 March 10.00am
Full road closures will also be in place at Moore Park Road, Lang Road and roads throughout the CBD.
If you are visiting Moore Park, we recommend you plan your trip and use public transport.
Full information will be available at
Transport NSW.
Will there be any sound impacts related to this event?
As an open-air parade, the event will have amplified sound impacts from 6.00pm to 11.00pm.
We work closely with the EPA and comply with all legislation and guidelines covering permissible sound levels at outdoor events. This includes pre-event sound checking, as well as event day monitoring and management of noise levels, which are adjusted according to the prevailing weather conditions (e.g. wind strength and direction).
The Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust Noise Management Plan is available on our website
How can we find out more information on scheduled events in Centennial Parklands?
We provide information via our website, eNewsletters, social media, ‘What’s On’ brochure, local publications and/or (at times) via letterbox drop.
You can sign up to our
eNewsletters or join our online community via
Facebook and
Twitter to ensure you are informed.
What other events are scheduled to take place in Centennial Parklands?
Visit our
What’s On web page to see what other events are happening in Centennial Parklands.
How do I find out about holding an event in Centennial Parklands?
Centennial Parklands has a range of venues for hire to suit a variety of different events. Please visit our venue hire web page
here to learn more.