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Sydney Red Gum


Sydney Red Gum

Botanical name:

angophora costata


The Sydney Red Gum, also known as the Smooth-Barked Apple, is a large native tree growing to approximately 25 metres in height.

The features of this species are its striking new salmon/pink coloured bark which gradually turns grey, and its mass of white flowers which bloom over the summer months and are produced in large bunches.

The individual flowers are about 2 cm wide with five tooth-like sepals, five larger semi-circular petals, and a large number of long stamens. The seed capsules are goblet-shaped, 2 cm long and as wide, often with fairly prominent ribs. The usual recorded flowering time is December or January.

The Sydney Red Gum can also develop a gnarled and twisted appearance which adds to the unique character of this tree. This species is found on moisture retentive soils with low fertility.

The genus name Angophora comes from the Greek for 'bearing a goblet', referring to the shape of the fruit. The species epithet costata comes from the Latin for 'ribbed', referring to the ribs on the fruit capsules. The genus Angophora is very close to Eucalyptus and can be distinguished easily by its opposite leaves.

Where can the Sydney Red Gum be seen in the Parklands?

This tree is relatively new to Centennial Parklands with the first plantings commencing in the early 1980s. Examples can be found on the northern end of Sandstone Ridge across the road from the statue of Sir Henry Parkes.

Sandstone Ridge which is located just below the Superintendents Residence at Paddington Gates, Centennial Park is characterised by its rock outcrops and sandy soils, making it the ideal location for the Sydney Red Gum.

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Visit our Environment pages to read more about the amazing variety of trees, plants and animals that populate Centennial Parklands.

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History of the Parklands' trees

There are more than 16,000 trees in Centennial Parklands, some of which were planted in the 1800's by Charles Moore.