Month: June 2022
Common Name: Australian Native Violet
Botanical Name: Viola hederacea
Family: Violaceae
Habitat and Distribution
The Australian Native Violet grows in the south-eastern parts of Australia, from Barrington Tops in the north, down into Victoria, the Adelaide Hills and Tasmania. They love a cool, shady position that is constantly moist.
The Australian Native Violet is a species in the Violaceae plant family. There are around 1,000 violets in the Violaceae family that grow in tropical, sub-tropical and temperate regions, with several species native to Australia. The Australian Native Violet is a herbaceous, evergreen, perennial creeper that grows in colonies in sheltered areas. It can grow up to 10cm tall, and spreads in clusters by means of trailing stolons that root at the nodes. The leaves are kidney shaped and sinuate-toothed, meaning wavy-edge, and bright green in colour. The purple or mauve and white flowers appear mainly in the warmer months, however this plant is rarely without a few flowers even in autumn.
The Australian Native Violet makes a great lawn substitute under shrubs and trees, as it grows densely and acts like a carpet. Native violets are edible with a delightful, mild taste that can be used with sweet or savoury foods. These pretty edible flowers make a beautiful finishing touch on cakes and cupcakes, and in salads. The green leaves are edible also and can be added to salads in addition to the flowers. Flowers are prolific from spring to autumn, so these are a handy native flower to have in a kitchen garden.
Where to see the Australian Native Violet in Centennial Parklands?
You can find Australian Native Violet at the
Guriwal Trail in Centennial Parklands.