What kind of wildlife can I see in the Parklands?
Centennial Parklands is a diverse natural environment that includes reed-fringed freshwater ponds, relatively wild areas with long grass, shrubs, and trees, and swamps. This habitat is ideal for many native species including mammals, birds, reptiles, insects, spiders, fish, and frogs. Visit the links below to see the range of creatures to be found in the Parklands.
Further information
Centennial Park Education Rangers offer guided activities to educate our visitors about the wildlife and the significance of the habitat provided by the Parklands. Visit the Spotlight Prowl link below, contact the Centennial Park Office on (02) 9339 6699 or send us an email.
What to do if you find a sick or injured animal
If you find a sick or injured animal please do not handle it. Call the Centennial Park Rangers on 0412 718 611 or call reception on (02) 9339 6699 during business hours.