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Waste Management

Guidelines for event organisers operating in Centennial Parklands


Whilst Centennial Parklands has waste and recycling stations for general public use, these are not adequate for event related waste and a specific waste management plan must be put in place by the event organiser.

The event organiser is responsible for the proper disposal of all waste generated by the event during the entire period of site occupation.

Waste Management and Cleaning Plan

This means a plan specifying the systems to manage waste generated as a result of the event including, but not limited to, details of waste collection facilities, portable toilets, site clean up and recycling systems.

  • The Plan should be specific to the event and should detail the name and contact details of the waste management contractor for the event.
  • An "event impact zone" will be outlined in the venue licence agreement specific to the event and cleaning will need to address this event impact zone. In general terms, the event impact zone will include the event site and the corridors of patron access to the event site within the Parklands. For major events, this event impact zone could extend beyond the Park perimeter.

Waste collection facilities

  • Bins and skips must have lids to ensure that the contents are not spread around the Park by wind or wildlife. They must be emptied when full for the same reasons.
  • Bins will likely need servicing throughout the event, please plan accordingly and consider how contractors will access rubbish compounds during the event and over the period of site occupation. Please note no vehicle movement is permitted on the event site during event operation hours.
  • Waste service providers can supply information on appropriate numbers of bins required for your event.
  • Bins should also be provided at the exit points from your site, to assist patrons in disposing of waste before they leave the event site.

Minimising impacts on the Parklands

  • To minimise any negative impact of the event on other Park users and local residents, prompt and thorough collection of waste immediately after the event is paramount. When developing your waste management plan please ensure post event cleaning is focused firstly on the area outside of the event site.
  • Should it be apparent that waste is building up external to the event site during the event, cleaning staff should attend to any event related waste as a priority.
  • Similarly, to minimise the impact of event related activities during the bump in and bump out period of the event, please ensure contractors are aware of the need to minimise rubbish at all times.
  • Given the many waterways in the Parklands, please consider minimising the use of items which may be difficult to contain and could cause environmental concern if they enter our waterways, such as plastic bags and wrappers.
  • Please note glass is not permitted in the patron areas at event sites in Centennial Parklands, all drinking vessels should be shatterproof plastic.
  • Other waste management concerns include chewing gum and cigarette butts. Both of these can impact on Park assets such as the synthetic cricket pitches. It may be a venue requirement that certain assets be protected against damage, this will be discussed with you during the planning stage of your event.

Toilet facilities

  • The permanent toilet facilities within Centennial Parklands are not designed to cope with the large event crowds. Event organisers must provide portable toilet facilities suitable for the number of patrons attending the event.
  • Reputable suppliers of portable toilet facilities can provide information on appropriate ratios of facilities for your event.
  • Event organisers must provide toilet facilities for mobility impaired patrons.
  • As portable toilet facilities require cleaning and pumping, you will need to factor this into your Waste Management Plan.

Sewerage waste removal

All portable toilet pump trucks must remove sewerage waste from the Parklands after each event.

Grey Water

  • All grey water must be removed off site and must not be dumped in Parklands drains. All Parklands drains lead to Parklands ponds.

Effective waste management and cleaning will be monitored as part of the post-event site inspections by the Venue Services staff. The event site must be completely clear and clean prior to the final site handover from the event organiser back to Centennial Parklands.