Guidelines for event organisers operating in Centennial Parklands
This toolkit outlines the venue licensing process for events in the Parklands.
- Centennial Parklands is a popular choice for many outdoor events and as such we receive many event proposals. To help manage this process, applicants should submit a completed Special Event Proposal form available here.
- Once your application has been submitted an assessment will need to be undertaken to ensure availability and suitability of the event at the Parklands. It is recommended that you submit your event proposal as early as possible to allow enough time for approval to be sought.
- Should your proposal be approved, you will be notified in writing and a draft Licence will be issued for your review.
- Once the details have been confirmed and agreed, a venue licence agreement will be issued to the licencee. The venue licence agreement provides a comprehensive legally binding agreement between the Trust and the licencee. Two copies are issued and signed by both parties. Each party retains a copy. Event specific details will be included in the Licence.
The fees for event venue hire are based on application and depend on the nature and scope of your event and the impact it may have on the Parklands.
The Licence includes cost items such as:
- Licence fees and Bonds
- Provision of complimentary tickets to the Trust to the event as specified in the Licence
- Payment post-event of any costs for damages, repairs and/or site renovations
Insurance certificates:
- $20 million Public Liability Insurance for event organiser, suppliers and contractors
- Worker's Compensation certificates for event organiser, suppliers and contractors
More information about event and venue related costs can be found in the Costs Toolkit.
Management Plans
A key deliverable of the Licence is the event management plans. These management plans are prepared by the event organisers and drafts are submitted to the Venue Services Team for review. The team may provide comment and input into these plans from a venue expert perspective to assist with the smooth running of your event. The management plans must be finalised 2 weeks prior to bump in on the event site.
The required management plans are:
- First Aid and Medical Plan
- Food and Beverage Management Plan
- Infrastructure Plan
- Marketing and Communications Plan
- Production Schedule
- Risk, Health and Safety Management Plan
- Security and Emergency Plan
- Signage Plan
- Sound Management Plan
- Traffic Management Plan
- Waste Management and Cleaning Plan
Government Approvals
Depending on the size and scale of your event, other government bodies may require information regarding the event and may also need to authorise elements of the event. For example, a liquor licence will require NSW Office of Liquor Gaming and Racing and NSW Police approval; amplified sound will be subject to the NSW Environment Protection Authority's Prevention Notice; built structures may be subject to written certification by an appropriately qualified Building Regulations consultant to ensure compliance with the Building Codes of Australia (BCA); and the sale and or supply of food and drinks may be subject to approval by the relevant local Council. In addition the State Transit Authority may need to be consulted with regard to bus services for event patrons at large scale events and the NSW Roads and Maritime services may need to be involved where large scale events impact on roads external to the Parklands.
To ensure public safety, the patron capacity of the site is stipulated in the Licence. The capacity limit also helps to determine the facilities needed to service the event, from food, beverage and portable toilet facilities to first aid and transport facilities.
The Licencee is required to provide current certificates for $20M Public Liability Insurance and Worker's Compensation covering the Licencee and its event suppliers and sub-contractors.
- Other certification may be required, for example engineering certification for built structures, Work Cover NSW certification for mechanical amusement rides.
- Insurance certificates and master licences are required for any security company engaged to work on Trust lands.
You may also require a Site Safety Assessment - see Site Safety Assessment toolkit for more information.