Guidelines for event organisers operating in Centennial Parklands
Centennial Parklands consists of three open public parks (Centennial Park, Moore Park and Queens Park) with over 10 kilometres of live internal roads and interconnecting public roads. The roads within Centennial Parklands are subject to a combination of Roads and Maritime Services road rules and Centennial Parklands local rules and regulations. These are strictly enforced by Centennial Parklands Rangers. The speed limit inside Centennial Park is 30 kilometres per hour. Shared zones have a speed limite of 10 kilometres per hour. Centennial Park also has a 3.8 kilometre cycle lane around the main, one-way, ring road: Grand Drive.
Introducing any traffic changes to the roads within and around Centennial Parklands requires a certified Traffic Management Plan to be produced and submitted specific to the event.
Traffic management for events within the Parklands has four aspects:
- Event supplier vehicle access and parking (during bump in and bump out)
- Event patron traffic (both pedestrian and vehicle), including:
a. Ingress and egress paths for event patrons
b. Drop-off/pick-up zones for taxis, hire cars and patrons
c. VIP vehicles
d. Media and artist access
e. Access and parking for Mobility Parking Scheme permit holders
f. Charter buses
g. Sponsor vehicles
h. Emergency vehicle access
- Public transport planned for the event
- Non-event park users vehicle and pedestrian traffic (eg possible road closures, detours and restricted parking zones)
Event organisers must provide a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) to address pedestrian and vehicle safety and management during the bump in, during the event and during bump out. The TMP and any associated Traffic Control Plans (TCPs) must be certified by a Roads and Maritime Services accredited certifier prior to the event being held.
As defined in the Venue Licence Agreement:
Traffic Management Plan means a plan for traffic management, vehicle access to the Site and parking in connection with each Event to provide for and ensure safe access to the Parklands and the Site for staff, contractors, patrons and Parklands users and the protection of the Parklands environment including, but not limited to details of all staffing, barricading, gate closures, signage, marshalling of road crossings and other conflict areas, vehicle and staff passes and lighting required to conduct the Event: and without limiting those general words, also including provisions for any truck movements in accordance with all of the usual requirements imposed by the Trust to minimise inconvenience and interruption to the general flow of traffic within the Parklands and continuing access to other parts of the Parklands and to avoid or minimise off-road vehicle movements and to provide for appropriate timing and staging of deliveries including use of the main designated truck holding bay (the Horse Float Bay).
Vehicle Size Restrictions in Centennial Park
Please refer to the Vehicle Restrictions fact sheet for details on the conditions of entry relating to your event vehicle/s.
Note that these conditions do not apply to events in Moore Park.
Road Closures
- All roads inside the perimeter of Centennial Park and Driver Avenue at Moore Park are owned and managed by the Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust. This means that any requirement to close the roads or alter traffic arrangements must be approved by the Parklands.
- Any impact on roads external to the perimeter of the Parklands must be approved by the Roads and Maritime Services and the NSW Police.
- All planned road closures must be included in the Traffic Management Plan.
Vehicles off Road
- To access an event site, a vehicle may be required to drive off the sealed road and cross footpaths, jogging tracks and horse tracks. Appropriate traffic management must be in place where this is to occur and this must be addressed in the Traffic Management Plan.
- Generally a one way traffic system should be implemented on an event site, i.e. in one access point and out another.
- Generally vehicles should only travel on the grass where an event site is appropriately fenced off from the general public; otherwise a vehicle should only travel on the grass under Ranger Escort.
- Any vehicles required to travel off road should have a vehicle access pass specific to the event displayed in the windscreen so that they are easily identifiable as authorised vehicles.
- There should be no parking of any vehicles on the grass once vehicles have been unloaded. Where excessive vehicle use is expected, or in inclement weather, ground protection must be put in place to protect the grass.
- Centennial Park has limited public/patron parking on the roads, and no off-road parking areas.
- The nearest paid parking station is at the Entertainment Quarter off Lang Road.
- Vehicles are not permitted to park or remain parked after sunset or overnight in Centennial Park. Rangers patrol the Parklands and fines may apply.
- Event organisers are advised to promote transport arrangements to their patrons, including the use of public transport.
Golf Carts/Buggies
- The use of golf carts/buggies in Centennial Parklands is restricted to within the fenced event site.
- If, due to the nature of the event, buggies/gators are required to travel outside the event site, permission must be obtained from the Parklands and the golf carts/buggies must be road registered to travel on Centennial Parklands roads.
Vehicle Lock Down
- Vehicles are not permitted to move on an event site whilst the event is in progress. Generally the vehicle lock down time will be half an hour prior to the commencement of the event (i.e. before patrons have access to the event site), and again approximately half an hour after the conclusion of the event or once it has been deemed safe for vehicles to re-enter the site.
- This decision should be made in conjunction with Centennial Parklands staff and on site security to ensure that patron safety is paramount.
- The vehicle lock down applies to ALL vehicles including golf buggies/motorbikes/cars/vans/trucks.
- The vehicle lock down does not apply to emergency services vehicles.
Staffing, Costs and Consultation
- Centennial Parklands Venue Services team can work with event organisers prior to the development of the traffic plans in order to help identify and address any issues, and bring together relevant external stakeholders whose input is required for successful implementation of the traffic plan.
- The Venue Services team will also be involved in reviewing the traffic management plans, as the plans may have a broader impact beyond the event site and on other user groups in the Parklands.
- The Venue services team can also bring together relevant stakeholders to agree on appropriate staffing to implement Traffic Control Plans (TCPs). Generally TCPs are implemented by Parklands Ranger Security Officers (RSOs) and/ or NSW Police.
- The Trust can provide a quote for RSOs staffing. The Parklands will engage the RSOs directly on behalf of the event organiser and invoice for costs after the event. Other relevant stakeholders including NSW Police, STA, Roads and Maritime Services, etc, can advise on their user-pays charges directly.
This review current as at October 2014