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Sound Management

Guidelines for event organisers operating in Centennial Parklands


Centennial Parklands is committed to the effective management of noise in order to minimise the impact of events on other park users and the local community. Event organisers must take all necessary steps to minimise disturbance to local residents and other park users.

Noise Prevention Notice

  • The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued a Noise Prevention Notice to the Parklands. The Noise Prevention Notice outlines the restrictions applied to different categories of events held in the Parklands and forms part of the Venue Licence Agreement issued to all events held within the Parklands.
  • It is a legal requirement for both event organisers and the Parklands to comply with the conditions in the Noise Prevention Notice.
  • The following are categories in the Noise Prevention Notice which identify types of events. Conditions apply to each category, and the Parkland's Venue Services staff can assist you by outlining these conditions and the implications these will have for your event, including the monitoring of sound levels.
    - “Category 1 Event” means any event using sound amplification equipment with a crowd capacity less than 1,500 people other than cinematic screenings and theatrical performances using sound amplification equipment held at the Belvedere Amphitheatre;
    - “Category 2 Event” means any event using sound amplification equipment with a crowd capacity greater than 1,500 people other than:
    (i) musical concert events using sound amplification equipment with a crowd capacity greater than 5,000 people; and
    (ii) cinematic screenings and theatrical performances using sound amplification equipment held at the Belvedere Amphitheatre;
    - “Category 3 Event” means any musical concert events using sound amplification equipment with a crowd capacity greater than 5,000 people;
    - “Category 4 Event” means any cinematic screenings and theatrical performances using sound amplification equipment held at the Belvedere Amphitheatre;
  • Breaches of the Noise Prevention Notice can result in significant fines to both Event organisers and the Parklands.

Noise Management Plan

  • The Parklands, in consultation with the EPA, has also developed a Noise Management Plan that requires additional measures to be taken to communicate with local residents and manage sound for the event.
  • It is a requirement of the Venue Licence Agreement that the level of noise produced by the event is monitored and managed. Event organisers may be required to have events monitored by an accredited acoustic consultant, the cost of which is borne by the event organiser.
  • The Parklands may also impose a sound bond, with fines actioned should the event organiser fail to comply with the EPA regulations and instructions from accredited acoustic consultants.
  • The Noise Management Plan can be downloaded from the Centennial Parklands website.

Sound Management Plan

A Sound Management Plan, specified in the Venue Licence Agreement, is required where amplification equipment is to be used.

To meet the requirements of the Prevention Notice and Noise Management Plan, the following may also be organised by the Parklands Venue Services staff, and may be at the expense of the event organiser:

  • A letter distribution to surrounding residents notifying of the event, including event opening and closing times, sound check and rehearsal times and listing a dedicated resident hotline number
  • the set up management of a complaints handling procedure, including a dedicated resident hotline staffed at all times during amplified sound.
  • Hire of an accredited acoustic consultant to:
    - review site plans and sound plans during the early planning stages of the event; and
    - monitor sound during the event, sound checks and rehearsals. This includes measuring sound at stages, at Parklands perimeter locations and following up on complaints to the hotline at residential addresses. The event organiser must adhere to any requests from the Trust’s contracted sound monitors to alter sound levels; and
    - produce event sound report report to be submitted to the EPA following the event.

This review current as at October 2014