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Guidelines for event organisers operating in Centennial Parklands


Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust Regulations (2009) guide all activities in the Parklands. Event organisers and their patrons are required to adhere to the Regulations, except where a written exemption has been granted by the Director and Chief Executive.

  • Please note fireworks are strictly prohibited under the Parklands Regulations and exemptions cannot be granted.
  • For example, activities that are not permitted under the Parklands Regulations, for which an exemption may be granted by the Director & Chief Executive include the operation of jumping castles and amusement rides, and an exemption from the speed limit for cycling races.
  • Requests for exemptions from the Parklands Regulations should be lodged with the CP Venue Services team as early as possible and at least one month prior to commencement of site occupation.
  • Our Venue Services team will advise in writing whether the exemption request is approved by the Director & Chief Executive.
  • Please note firearms are prohibited in the Parklands under the Regulations. If your security company foresees a need to have armed guards in the Parklands, a written application must be submitted and approval given in writing by the Trust’s Director & Chief Executive prior to the engagement of any armed security.

Vehicle size restrictions

Please refer to the Vehicle Restrictions fact sheet for details on the conditions of entry relating to your vehicle/s.

For further information please contact 02 9339 6699 or email