Guidelines for event organisers operating in Centennial Parklands
Event organisers are required to provide an Infrastructure Plan as part of the licence agreement with the venue. The Infrastructure plan is a document containing:
- a detailed and to scale plan of the Site and relevant parts of the Parklands illustrating the location of all Infrastructure; and
- evidence of the Licensee/s inquiries and investigations as to the presence of underground services under the Site and measures to be implemented by the Licensee to prevent any damage to such services.
Centennial Parklands can provide electronic CAD drawings of the venues within the Parklands.
Permanent Facilities
Facilities and services at Centennial Parklands venues, such as water outlets, permanent toilet facilities and vehicle access points; as well as site features such as trees, slopes and drainage locations need to be considered when developing your infrastructure plan. The Venue Services team can provide information on services available at each event site.
- Generally permanent toilet facilities must remain available for the general public and should not be used by event patrons. Portable toilet facilities should be provided at the event site for event patron use.
- Synthetic cricket wickets exist at a number of venues and must be protected from any possible damage, with ground cover or fencing.
Temporary structures and installations
- All temporary structures must comply with the Building Code of Australia and be built to specifications by suitably qualified persons. Rigging must be done by licensed riggers.
- Events that are ticketed and involve the sale of alcohol are subject to a Site Safety Assessment. See Site Safety Assessment Toolkit for more information.
- Centennial Parklands prefers temporary structures to be pegged into the ground except where underground services prevent this, then weighting must be used. Any damage to underground services will be at the cost of the event organiser.
- Should your event include activities or infrastructure requiring the introduction of foreign material such as mulch, sand, woodchips etc please discuss details with us as early as possible so We can outline any conditions of approval if appropriate. Please note that the complete removal of any introduced materials is required by the completion of bump out.
- Prior to the commencement of any build within the licensed event site, the event organisation is required to fence/barricade the area and display safety signage to ensure the safety of and to prevent access by the general public.
- When determining the fence line of the event site, ensure that any temporary fencing does not restrict public access on Trust lands other than the event site
Pre-event works
Centennial Parklands Venue Services team can arrange for services to be provided by the Centennial Parklands team on your behalf, such as:
- lawn mowing.
- marking of irrigation heads and underground irrigation lines (where applicable) and pre-and post- event testing.
- switching off the irrigation system on the event site (where applicable).
- removing sections of the horse fence rail or log bollards if required for pedestrian or vehicle access.
- Additional charges may apply for these services.
Ground cover and turf protection
- Event sites in the Parklands are all sensitive to excessive use. To assist with reducing damage and subsequently the cost of repairs, you should plan for appropriate ground and turf protection (such as terratrak, terraplas and/or pro-flooring products) in high use areas and vehicle access points, or wherever high foot traffic is expected, including food and beverage service areas and in front of stages.
- All forklifts must have turf tyres and be all wheel drive or four wheel drive vehicles (eg Manitou)
- Protective ground cover is essential if wet weather is forecast.
- As part of your Infrastructure Plan please provide details of planned ground cover protection on site.
The trees are among the most significant living and historical assets in the Parklands. The Parklands is committed to their protection and your co-operation in planning your event with this in mind is appreciated.
- Event infrastructure must be planned around the existing location of trees.
- No fixtures of any kind are to be attached to any part of a tree.
- Please also note that there are vehicle size restrictions inside Centennial Parklands due to the tree canopy. Please see the Traffic Management Toolkit for more information.
Site Care and Control
- The Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust has been appointed by the NSW Government as the manager and caretaker of the Parklands. The Licence outlines the responsibilities of the event organiser during the Licence period. On or before the first day of bump in, a representative of the Parklands will undertake a site inspection with the event organiser to document and agree on the condition of the venue prior to site occupation by the event organiser. At this time, the event site will be temporarily assigned to the care of the Licensee. The event organiser is expected to maintain the safety, integrity and appearance of the site and any built structures. The Parklands retains ultimate control and access rights throughout this period. Venue Services staff are available throughout the site occupation period to ensure smooth venue management and compliance with the license agreement.
- Appropriate waste management arrangements are to be in place throughout the occupation period until the site is handed back to the Parklands care at the end of the bump out period.
- At the conclusion of the site occupation period, a Parklands representative will undertake a site inspection with the event organiser to document and agree on the condition of the site following the event. The Parklands will make arrangements for any necessary repair work to be undertaken to restore the site to its pre-event condition. The cost of repairs will be passed on to the Licensee.