If you plan to undertake any commercial filming or photography in Centennial Parklands you will need to apply for a permit.
Applying for a permit is easy! Simply download and complete our interactive application form and don't forget to make sure you review the fees and charges.
The form is an interactive PDF which allows you to type your information directly into the form. You will need Adobe Reader version 8.2 or above installed on your PC or Mac to open the form – it will only function correctly when opened in Adobe Reader. Visit the Adobe Australia website to download Reader.
Please open and save the form regularly onto your computer: download here. Once it is completed, email the form and all supporting documentation to the Parklands office.
Please note, Public Liability Insurance must be included when submitting your application. To view the Guidelines for Providing a Public and Product Liability Certificate of Currency click here.
Please be advised we require a minimum of 7 business days to process applications for film or photography shoots in the Parklands.
Fees and Charges
The Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust has a complete schedule of fees and charges covering all operations and activities across Centennial Parklands.
Risk Assessment
Please read our Risk Assessment PDF for more information.
Terms and Conditions
Please read our
Terms and Conditions for more information
Do you have questions?
Please call the Parklands Office on (02) 9339 6699 or email us for more information.
NB: if you have any issues viewing the forms, please save them on your computer and open with Adobe Acrobat.