Why our Garden is the best in Australia
The WILD PLAY Garden, which celebrates its first birthday tomorrow (Thursday 18 October), was recognised for its unique approach to child learning and engagement, designed to engage the five senses and reconnect children to nature. The 6,000sq m state-of-the-art, purpose built space for nature play is an outdoor experience for kids and families of all abilities and backgrounds.
It is the first of its kind in New South Wales and it is now the best play space in Australia.
Exceeding expectations
The Garden has exceeded all expectations in terms of innovation, originality, build, engagement and general enthusiasm by the children, families, groups and stakeholders who enjoy the space.
Receiving over 230,000 visits since opening the Garden is a nature escape and backyard for the highly densely populated eastern suburbs and beyond.
It is made up of 12,000 plants and trees, dry creek beds, an Artesian water play area with over 200 tonnes of Australian stone, bamboo forest, tunnels, turtle mounds – as well as the Park’s first treehouse.
Nature education
Centennial Parklands has been an industry leader for many years promoting nature education, wild play and its benefits for children facilitating learning experiences, programs and events for over 32,000 participants annually.
The Ian Potter Children’s WILD PLAY Garden has become an integral part of a broader suite of educational programs that the Parklands delivers.
The Garden was designed by award-winning agency, ASPECT STUDIOS, and built by Design Landscapes Pty Ltd, taking 13 months to complete.
A key deliverable from the Centennial Park Master Plan, the Garden was officially opened on 18 October 2017 by the Minister for Environment, Gabrielle Upton.