The Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust, in conjunction with the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH), has developed a Noise Management Plan (NMP).
The purpose of the NMP is to identify and implement strategies which will minimise disturbance of residents and other noise sensitive receivers from events such held within the areas managed by the Trust in Centennial Park, Moore Park and Queens Park.
The development of the NMP included extensive consultation with the community, stakeholders and government agencies and was developed in compliance with Variation of Prevention Notice 1078164 issued by the NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change, 4 October 2007.
It applies to concerts, music festivals, cinematic screenings, theatrical performances and any other outdoor events with sound amplification.
Download the Noise Management Plan
Download a web-friendly version of the Noise Management Plan:
Reporting on the NMP
The Trust is required to undertake a number of reporting requirements on the NMP. These reports are to assist the regulators and the community to understand the conditions and performance of the Trust against the approved Plan.
These reports are as follows:
- Event Sound Reports (available to view online here) - outlining the sound management performance after each of the major festivals and concerts.
- Event Newsletters - informing the community of progress and upcoming events in Centennial Parklands and distributed by letter box drop to around 10,000 households, three times a year.
- Annual Performance Reports (available to view online here) - reports sent annually to the regulator, the DECCW, on the Trust's performance and improvement plans for the management of sound at events.
Further information
For further information on the Plan contact the Trust on (02) 9339 6699 or