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Virtual Park Explorers

Step 1 of 3 - Contact Information

Booking Request
Step 1 - Contact Information

The submission of this form is a formal request for an excursion booking at Centennial Parklands on the date/s and time/s specified. Once we receive your form we will allocate your booking based off of our availability and will respond with a booking confirmation document.

Stage 1 - Geography

Parks are full of amazing things! Come with us to explore all the features and activities of our Parklands that make it special and learn how we can care for them. Our Education Rangers will also introduce you to the surprising scale and layers of Centennial Park – one of Sydney’s oldest parks!  

This 30-minute live session, delivered by our Education Rangers, will take you on a virtual visit to Centennial Park to explore its natural and created features, unique environments, secret places, and habitats. Learn how we balance care and accessibility for our Parklands visitors, present and future.  

Build your students’ knowledge and geographical skills with the four units of classroom resources, full of interesting facts and fun content found here

Book your Virtual Excursion via the Book Now button. Delivered via Zoom.

Curriculum Links:

Stage 1 Geography Syllabus Outcomes 
Feature of places outcomes
GE1-1 Describe features of places and the connections people have with place.
GE1-2 Identifies ways in which people interact with and care for places.
GE1-3 Communicates geographical information and uses geographical tools for inquiry.

Geography Skills:

Pose geographical questions - ACHGS007
Collect and record geographical data and information - ACHGS008, ACHGS014
Represent data by constructing tables, graphs or maps - ACHGS009, ACHGS015
Draw conclusions based on the interpretation of geographical information sorted into categories - ACHGS010, ACHGS016
Present findings in a range of communication forms – ACHGS011, ACHGS017
Reflect on their learning and suggest responses to their findings - ACHGS012, ACHGS018




30 Minutes


Click here. Minimum charges apply. Discounts apply for full day programs!