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Mad About Maps

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Booking Request
Step 1 - Contact Information

The submission of this form is a formal request for an excursion booking at Centennial Parklands on the date/s and time/s specified. Once we receive your form we will allocate your booking based off of our availability and will respond with a booking confirmation document.

Mad About Maps is a hands-on geography program that presents the skills of navigation, introduces the concepts of BOLTS, map making and data collection in a way that is fun and full of movement. Takes place in The Ian Potter Children's Wild Play Garden. 

Stage 2 Geography

This program is a hands-on geography skills and play based learning program that takes place in Centennial Park’s newest learning space, The Ian Potter Children’s WILD PLAY Garden.

Mad About Maps activities:

  • From big to small, mud mapping with a focus on BOLTS

  • Using paper maps to complete a wild play treasure/ scavenger hunt

  • Eco-art mapping activities reflecting on the variety of the WILD PLAY garden habitats, including banksia scrub, grassland meadows and bamboo forest.

Curriculum links and syllabus outcomes:

  • GE2-1 examine features and characteristics of places and environments

  • GE2-2 describe the ways people, places and environments interact

  • GE2-4 acquire and communicate geographical information using geographical tools for inquiry.

    Make the most of your excursion with our engaging classroom resources designed to support your teaching.

The Education Access Pass Program covers all program and transport costs for schools with an FOEI higher than 125 and community organisations that work with groups in need. 
Please contact us directly with the name of the program and your group size and we can help you organise a free program.
This programs is funded through the Legacy Fund of the Centennial Parklands Foundation



Stage 2 Geography


The WILD PLAY Discovery Centre


2 Hours


Click here. Minimum charges apply. Discounts apply for full day programs!