Activities - Desert Superpowers
1. Be a mime!
Have someone read aloud the poem describing an arid environment, while you act it out silently using hand gestures. Miming is a fun way to remember word definitions.
2. Cacti water supply
Cacti store water in a similar way as the sponge. Fill a small dish with water. Take a block of sponge and stand it upright in the dish. What happens to the water level? If all the water disappears, top up with a bit more water and see what happens. You could also sprinkle water on it to imitate rain.
3. Desert plant craft
Try one of these 'Desert Plant Craft' activities.
4. Mapping
Where are the deserts and arid shrublands of Australia found? Plot all the Australian deserts on a map to find out.
5. Cate the cactus
Meet Cate the Cactus! From what you learnt about cactus in the 360 tour above, describe some of the superpowers she might possess. Create other plant characters with different superpowers as her friends. Make a story about their lives in our Succulent Garden or label their superpowers on your drawing.