Activities - The power of pollination
1. Pollination and poetry
Pollination, what a cool word! Write an acrostic poem where each letter is the name of a living thing. Now try it for non-living things.
2. Visit the Pollination Portal
Learn more about the types of bees by heading to the Kitchen Garden Section of the Pollination Portal. Name four different types of bees you might find in your garden. Do they all make honey?
3. Lets sing
Sing along with the Bee Karaoke below. Write down all 26 letters of the alphabet and see if you can add a word to each letter that Amelie sings about in her Bee song.
4. Scientific drawings
Look at the ‘parts of a flower’ diagram above. Go outside into your school grounds or your own backyard and find three flowers. Draw a careful scientific picture of each flower and label as many parts as you can.
5. Flower observations
Choose a place with many flowers and sit quietly and observe for five minutes. Using natural objects (eg. sticks or rocks) as counters, make a tally of how many pollinators/pollination events you see. Do you think this number would change if you repeated this exercise on another time and day? What do you think might cause different pollinator movements?
6. Parts of a bee
Can you identify the correct parts of a bee below?