Activities - The cycle of life
1. Plant life cycle
View the time lapse video of the sunflower. Can you label the stages of the plant life cycle?
2. Listening
Listen to the story below about two different pollinators (Billy and Roberta) learning all about their own life cycle, and that of a friend. Test your listening skills by then completing Quiz 1 and Quiz 2.
3. Diorama
Look at the diagrams of a bird and butterfly life cycle below.
In your school garden or your backyard, make a diagram of one of these pollinator's life cycles using loose natural objects from the ground. Discuss the main differences in the life cycles with your friends.

4. Spotto

Go outside and see if you can find the various parts of a plant’s life cycle. Can you find a seed? A flower on an adult plant? A fruit? Can you spot a seedling? Draw all the different stages you find.