2. Play a running game
Designate two spots up to 30 metres apart: one that represents natural features and one that represents constructed features. Designate someone as ‘the caller’. The caller calls out examples of different features and everyone must run to the correct spot. You can use the cards from the matching game or make up your own features.
3. Spotto walk
Go for a walk around your school or neighbourhood and look for both natural and constructed features. When you return, list the features you saw and draw a map of your journey and where all the features were. Share in a group or with the class. (Can also be done individually)
4. Design your own Perfect Park
Brainstorm the things you enjoy in a park. In groups spend some time discussing, planning and writing your ideas down. Then get creative. What is your ideal place to play in? What features are you going to include? Draw your design or make a Perfect Park diorama (miniature scale model in a box).