Centennial Parklands is home to Sydney’s largest flying fox colony. There are two species of flying-fox in the colony – the Black Flying-fox (Pteropus alecto) and the Grey-headed Flying-fox (Pteropus poliocephalus). Both are protected species in Australia.
Flying-foxes have been visiting the Parklands to feed on the flowers and fruits of native plants for many years. Grey-Headed Flying-Foxes play an important role in the Australian environment as they are natural pollinators and seed dispersers. Read about the flying fox colony at Centennial Parklands
Grey-Headed Flying Fox suckling milk from its mother
Open wings of a Grey-Headed Flying Fox
Rescued Grey-Headed Flying-Fox
Male flying fox with an identification band on its hooked thumb
Part of the colony of flying foxes at Centennial Parklands
Daytime behaviours of flying foxes
Silhouetted flying foxes fly off in search of food
Grey-Headed Flying Fox asleep beside a baby feeding on her mother
Grey-Headed Flying Fox with juvenile flying fox
Male flying fox with identification bands
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