Moore Park makes up a large portion of Centennial Parklands and is located between South Dowling Street and Centennial Park.
Moore Park South includes the Moore Park Golf Course and Golf House, the historic Toll House and the ES Marks Athletics Field.
The Plan
In 2000, the Trust commissioned Spackman and Mossop to prepare a Master Plan for Moore Park South to help the Trust better meet the needs of current and future users, this Master Plan is now complete.
As part of the process the Trust involved the community in extensive consultation through reference groups, workshops and open days; and provided information via mail outs, the Internet, local newspapers and at the Centennial Parklands Administration Building and the Moore Park Golf Course Golf House.
As well as community feedback from these channels the Trust received a large number of submissions from the public regarding the draft Master Plan, these submissions were considered and the issues collated and addressed by the project team when revising the Master Plan.
Summary Brochure
As a strategic document the Master Plan will protect the inherent values of the area and provide the framework for the renewal and redevelopment of Moore Park South and to guide the management strategies for the next 10 to 20 years.
Download the summary brochure of the Moore Park South Master Plan (PDF, 1MB) for further information.