A dry site
The Parklands are located on what was originally a coastal sand dune system. Whilst the groundwater table is shallow in some areas there are also very extensive dry areas throughout the parks.
Most of the Parklands are not irrigated at all and depend entirely on natural rainfall for the grass, trees and other plants to grow.
The Trust doesn’t believe it would be sustainable use of water to irrigate all areas, and is selective about where irrigation is applied.
Reduced reliance on potable water
The Parklands main irrigation consumption is through recycled stormwater and bore water.
Total water use for the Parklands in FY 18-19 was 495 ML. Only 10% is town (potable) water because of our use of alternative water sources (recycled stormwater and bore water). The water usage is as follows:
- Pond Water Usage (Recycled Stormwater) = 169 ML
- Bore Water (Groundwater) Usage = 281 ML
- Potable (Town) Water = 45 ML
History of water savings initiatives
Specific water saving and monitoring measures undertaken by the Parklands include:
- Reporting annually on water consumption in the Trust’s Annual Report, and also in our Government Resource Efficiency Policy (GREP) Reports to track water usage and savings;
- Implemented a Drought Management Policy in 2004 when Sydney experienced a sustained period with lower than normal rainfall. The Trust fully complied with the water use restrictions introduced by Sydney Water during the dry years of 2003-2007;
- Development of staff awareness of water wise practices;
- Installation of waterless urinals, efficient flushing and timed flow taps in selected amenities;
- Seven water tanks (total 21,000 litres) at the Equestrian Centre in Moore Park for storage of collected rain water from the large roof surfaces. This water is used in the horse wash down bays and exercise yards;
- Rainwater tank (5,000 litres) installed at the Horticulture Nursery;
- Use of alternative water sources (stormwater harvesting and reuse and bore water) for irrigation;
- Installation of Smart Water Metering at the Centennial Parklands Equestrian Centre for faster leak detection and rectification.
Botany Sand Aquifer and groundwater bores
Centennial Parklands overlies part of a very large groundwater aquifer known as the Botany Sand Aquifer, which contains millions of litres of freshwater. Along with many other landowners the Trust is able to tap into this water resource for irrigation purposes. Like the water in ourponds, groundwater is not an unlimited resource and must be managed responsibly so that it does not become polluted or over-exploited. The Trust monitors our bore water usage to ensure we comply with our Water access licences.