There are two sites within Centennial Park which contain endangered bushland known as Eastern Suburbs Banksia Scrub (ESBS), which is protected under Commonwealth and State legislation. These sites are the Bird Sanctuary and at York Road (West).
The Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust (Trust) has adopted best practice management techniques to maintain and regenerate this threatened species.
In 2008 the NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change recognised the Trust’s two ESBS restoration sites as best practice “Threatened Species Demonstration Sites”. Works performed on these sites will be used to demonstrate best practice management of ESBS to relevant stakeholders and the wider community.
More information on this work and the guidelines can be found on the Sydney Metropolitan Catchment Management Authority website.
This recognition is an endorsement of the quality work of our dedicated volunteers, and would not have been possible without the support of the National Trust in providing supervision of volunteers and financial assistance from our neighbours, Moriah College and the Commonwealth Government’s Envirofund.
From this process, best practice guidelines have also been made available for other land owners to manage any remnant ESBS on their land.
The Centennial Parklands Foundation now utilises a volunteer bush regeneration group, in conjunction with the Trust's horticultural team, to assist in the ongoing management of the ESBS sites.