Centennial Parklands has exceptional significance for all Australians. With a diversity of heritage that has been handed down by past generations, it is shaped by present generations to conserve for future generations.
Its heritage does not just consist of buildings, monuments and statues. It is the whole of Centennial Parklands, with all of its natural, Indigenous, cultural and social significance which has led to its heritage listing on the State Heritage Register and the Register of the National Estate. This listing means that special measures are required to ensure its significance is protected and properly managed.
An important initiative to ensure the conservation of the Parklands has been the development of Centennial Parklands' Conservation Management Plan.
The Conservation Management Plan (CMP) has been developed with community consultation and advice in accordance with the Burra Charter in conjunction with the Australian Natural Heritage Charter and various guidelines produced by the NSW Heritage Oftice.
The CMP provides an overview of Centennial Parklands within its regional and historical context. It highlights the diversity and significance of heritage attributes of the Parklands and provides policies and practical guidance for a balanced approach to conserving and managing this significance. The Natural, lndigenous and Cultural significance of items has also been graded, with set guidelines on the treatment of different gradings.
The CMP provides conservation policies to guide the overall conservation and management of Centennial Parklands' diverse heritage.
These policies include the development of management plans for flora and fauna, adequate environmental planning instruments to ensure protection of the environment and visual curtilage of Centennial Parklands, the strengthening of planning controls to ensure protection of Centennial Parklands' environment and setting and the need to undertake further research and monitoring in certain areas, such as environmental processes and pre-colonial archaeology.
The desire for reconciliation and acknowledgement of the traditional custodians of the land and the desire to foster lndigenous partnerships, representation, training, employment and career development as part of Caring for Country are also important policies recognised in the CMP.
It also includes the need to develop a full schedule of maintenance and conservation works and priorities based on condition and significance, improved recording and archival practices, as well as developing strategies for enhanced presentation, interpretation and communication of Centennial Parklands' heritage attributes and the need to integrate the CMP information into Centennial Parklands' asset management and geographic information system (GIS).
The CMP also contains improved procedures for the assessment of impacts on the diverse heritage of Centennial Parklands. These procedures include the consideration of cumulative impacts, with the interests of future generations in mind. The establishment of reference panels to advise Centennial Parklands on heritage and lndigenous matters is recommended in the CMP as part of this process.
Community consultation and referral to the relevant authorities continues to be a part of the approvals process.
Heritage Listings
In March 2000, Centennial Park, Moore Park and Queens Park were listed on the State Heritage Register under the NSW Heritage Amendment Act 1988. Centennial Parklands is also listed on the Register of the National Estate.
Download the CMP
Volume 1 contains maps showing the Parklands’ development (Attachment A), a more detailed timeline (Attachment B) and a summary of the thematic history of the Parklands (Attachment C). Attachment D (Vol 1) provides an index to Volumes 2 and 3.
Volumes 2 and 3 are supporting documents associated with the preparation of the Conservation Management Plan. These volumes are viewed as living documents and may be reviewed as additional information comes to light and is verified. Volume 2 contains the initial CMP report upon which Volume 1 draws. Volume 3 contains the appendices and background detail of the initial study.
The CMP comprises the following sections:
- A. Maps
01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
- B. Timeline of the Parklands
- C. History of the Parklands (outlined by historical themes)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
- D. Index to supplementary volumes