Centennial Park’s South West Corner provides habitat for a diverse range of native wildlife, contains remnant native vegetation, pine groves and exotic grasses. It is an area that is enjoyed and highly valued by the local community. Centennial Parklands proactively worked alongside volunteers to address issues of erosion and habitat degradation in the area.
- Project: South-West Corner Natural Area Restoration
- Location: South-West Corner (Wild Outer Park), Centennial Park
- Project duration: July 2020 to March 2023
- Project owner: Centennial Parklands in collaboration with our volunteer programs.
Project description
The project involves restoring an area of over 2,020 m2 using native plants and weeding techniques.
The project strengthens the ‘wild woodland’ character of the area by increasing the number of trees and native grasses as well as the health of waterbodies by increasing the vegetated buffer around the ponds. In addition to increasing the habitat values in this sector, the project helped stabilise areas impacted by erosion.
The restoration works assisted in conserving and enhancing the significant Eastern Suburbs Banksia Scrub (ESBS) vegetation community, which is listed as an endangered community under both the Commonwealth and State Biodiversity Legislation.
Key benefits of the project include:
reducing erosion
new plantings to maintain the Parklands’ heritage and integrity
maintaining the special character of the Wild Outer Park
restore native flora and provide habitat for wildlife
protect the Eastern Suburbs Banksia Scrub (an endangered ecological community).
Project works
Works included:
weeds mown / slashed
herbicide spray in small area (300 m2) to prepare site for planting
removal of 3 dead pine trees for safety reasons
planting of 150 trees, shrubs and grasses
temporary fencing to allow plant establishment
erosion control.
The aerial photo mark-up below outlines the project’s site locations.
Figure 1: Site Locations for South West Corner 2020 Project
Site management plans
Management of South West Corner is directed by the following key documents including:
Further information
If you have any questions, please contact Centennial Parklands’ Environmental Officer, Amara Glynn, via email at amara.glynn@bgcp.nsw.gov.au