Greater Sydney Parklands is committed to providing exceptional facilities and amenities to support participation in sporting and cultural activities in our parklands.
The Queens Park Amenities Building project involved the removal of the current building and replacement with a state-of-the-art building to deliver new and enhanced facilities for park users and the community.
Project: Queens Park Amenities Building
Location: Baronga Avenue Queens Park
Project delivery: 14 February to 1 November 2022 (completed)
- Project owner: Greater Sydney Parklands with funding from NSW Planning Industry and Environment Cluster.
Project Description
The new facility is state-of-the art and includes:
- New accessible path from Baronga Avenue with a ramp compliant with the Disability Discrimination Act). Paving threshold to warn people they are stepping into a different area
- Four (4) new changerooms.
- Four (4) new storage rooms.
- One (1) new umpire changeroom, in accordance with latest sporting code.
- Central covered area for sporting club activities such as registration, match day coordination etc. Currently no such area exists
- External wash basin
- Larger under-roof space for spectator and team gatherings
- LED lighting throughout the building so it can be used at night.
- New power supply and hot water system.
- New landscaping and garden beds to enhance green space that provide habitat for endangered ecological community
- Open area provision for future mobile food & beverage offering
- New male and female toilet facilities as well as a separate accessible toilet.
How it looked before

See how the completed amenities block looks below