Moonlight Cinema will return to Centennial Park’s Belvedere Amphitheatre for its 23rd season from 27 November 2019 to 29 March 2020. Each season thousands of people visit Centennial Park at night to experience Moonlight’s outdoor screenings of new and old films – and each year its popularity is growing.
Moonlight Cinema will operate Tuesday to Sunday nights, with gates opening at 6.00 pm for an approximate 8.00 pm - 8.30 pm screening. Screenings will conclude no later than 11.30 pm each night.
Traffic changes
A comprehensive traffic management plan has been developed for Moonlight Cinema to ensure public safety throughout the duration of the event season. Park visitors should note the below traffic changes:
Carrington Drive will become one way from Woollahra Gates to Paddington Gates from 5.30 pm from 27 November 2019 through to 29 March 2020 each Moonlight Cinema screening day.
Parking is available on Carrington Drive north (to the right) of the dotted line from 6.00 pm from 27 November 2019 through to 29 March 2020 .
Broome Avenue will be closed from 19 November 2019 to 3 April 2020.
Loch Avenue is closed southbound from Woollahra Gates to Robinson Drive from approximately 5.30 pm and from Grand Drive to Woollahra Gates from approximately 7.30 pm each evening on Moonlight Cinema screening nights only.
Parking restrictions
Special Event Clearways are set up along Loch Ave North from 6.00 pm to 1.00 am.
No parking is permitted on Loch Ave North during the event screenings.
Special Event Clearways are set up along Carrington Drive from 5.30 pm to 6.00 pm.
Mobility Pass Holder access: Designated parking is available for mobility parking holders on Carrington Drive, between Woollahra Gates and Broome Avenue.
We are committed to comply with all legislation and guidelines covering permissible sound levels at outdoor events. This includes pre-event sound checking, as well as event day monitoring and management of noise levels to adjust according to the prevailing weather conditions (e.g. wind strength and direction).
Sound and projection testing will occur on Tuesday 26 November between 5.00 pm and 6.00 pm as well as between 7.00 pm and 10.00pm. Sound levels are expected to be the same as per screening nights.
Moonlight Cinema from time to time may conduct periodic sound testing between 10.00 am to 6.00 pm during the season to ensure the audio system is operating effectively.
For any sound issues at night when the event is operational, please contact the Moonlight Cinema Sound Hotline: 0431 407 271 from 8:00 pm until film conclusion on screening nights.
The Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust Noise Management Plan is available here on our website here.
Dog walkers
A walking corridor is maintained around the western side of the event site between Belvedere Amphitheatre and Federation Valley for dog owners.
More information
For general queries please contact the Parklands office on (02) 9339 6699 or email:
For information about the event, how to buy tickets and how to get to the venue the official Moonlight Cinema here.