Centennial Parklands will undertake tree and landscaping works in the Centennial Homestead forecourt from Monday 25 June to Friday 13 July 2018.
Works will involve the replacement of three Brachychiton rupestris, Queensland bottle trees with three new advanced (500L) Pyrus calleryana ‘Capital’, Callery pears trees and landscaping of the immediate area surrounding them.
The current trees are in severe decline due to a soil-borne pathogen, Phytophthora sp., which is natural in our environment but destructive to tree health.
The works will also involve the amelioration of the soil to combat the pathogen and maximise the chance of success for the newly selected trees.
The Centennial Parklands’ Arborists have specifically chosen the new trees for their hardiness to disease and tough conditions as well as their attractive autumn foliage, white flowers during spring and its space-appropriate columnar form.
Temporary site fencing and signage will be erected around the work site work safety.
Please use ramp and stairs at the rear of this compound to gain access through area, to Homestead Café and Centennial Parklands Visitor Information desk.