Centennial Parklands has been the proud recipient of numerous awards from Australia's best play space to annual report writing.
Listed below are the details of the awards the Parklands has achieved over the years.
The Ian Potter Children's WILD PLAY Garden for ASPECT Studios
Announced: 2 September 2019
The Ian Potter Children's WILD PLAY Garden designers were awarded the International Architecture Award (Urban Planning/Landscape Architecture) by the The Chicago Anthenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design and The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies.
Green Flag Award – Centennial Park
Announced: 30 October 2019
Centennial Park has secured seven consecutive Green Flag Awards firmly cementing its status as one of the world’s best public parks and a leader in the realm of green space management practices.
Centennial Parklands Sports Centre
Announced: November 2018
Win for the Assets & Facilities Management team for a project over $500,000 by the Institute of Public Works Engineers Australasia (NSW).
Parks & Leisure Australia National Awards – The Ian Potter Children’s WILD PLAY Garden
Announced: 16 October 2018
Australia’s Best Play Space over >$0.5M was awarded to The Ian Potter Children’s WILD PLAY Garden in Centennial Park by Parks and Leisure Australia. Read more.
Green Flag Award – Centennial Park
Announced: 16 October 2018
Centennial Park sixth Green Flag Award as one of the world’s best public parks and a leader in the realm of green space management practices.
National Heritage Listing – Centennial Park
Announced: 2 October 2018
In its 130th year, Centennial Park – the ‘People’s Park – has been honoured with an Australian National Heritage Listing, elevating the Park to the status of other National Heritage places such as Bondi Beach, the Melbourne Cricket Ground and the Australian War Memorial. Announced by the Treasurer of Australia and NSW Minister for Environment and Heritage, Centennial Park is the 115th place to be included on Australia’s list of pre-eminent heritage sites. Centennial Park has outstanding heritage value to the nation as the site chosen for one of the defining events in Australia’s history: the inauguration of the Commonwealth of Australia. Read more.
The Ian Potter Children's WILD PLAY Garden
Announced: Octoebr 2018
The Ian Potter Children's WILD PLAY Garden was awarded the AILA National Landscape Architecture Award 2018 by the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects.
Large Urban Parks Association – GOLD, Large Urban Parks Awards
Announced: July 2018
Centennial Park has been recognised for its world-leading parks management by winning Gold in the World Urban Parks inaugural 2018 International Large Urban Parks Awards. It is now the only park in Australia to hold an award and one of only two gold-award winners in the world. Read here.
City Brand & Tourism Landscape Award – The Ian Potter Children’s WILD PLAY Garden
Announced: June 2018
The WILD PLAY Garden has received an international award securing the 2018 AILA NSW play spaces award of excellence. Read here.
Good Design Award – The Ian Potter Children’s WILD PLAY Garden
Announced: June 2018
The Good Design Awards program is one of the oldest and most prestigious international design awards in the world, promoting excellence in design and innovation since 1958. Read more.
Parks & Leisure Awards – Strategic Planning Award – Moore Park 2040
Announced: 11 May 2018
The Moore Park Master Plan 2040 has been awarded the Strategic Planning Award for delivering a robust planning framework and guiding principles for the future direction and management of Moore Park.
Parks & Leisure State Awards – NSW Playspace Award: The Ian Potter Children's WILD PLAY Garden
Announced: 11 May 2018
The Ian Potter Children's WILD PLAY Garden was awarded Best Playspace Award for its unique approach to child learning and engagement.
Parks & Leisure Australia Regional Award – Driving Towards A Digital Future, Centennial Parklands
Announced: 22 May 2017
Centennial Parklands was awarded the regional award for NSW for its digital first approach to its communications and marketing.
Green Flag Award – Centennial Park
Announced: April 2017
Centennial Parklands has won a fifth consecutive Green Flag Award in 2017, firmly cementing its status as one of the world’s best public parks and a leader in the realm of green space management practices. It also makes the Parklands one of just six across Australia to receive the accolade in 2017.
Green Flag Award
Centennial Park received a second straight Green Flag Award for displaying ongoing best practice in park management.
Green Flag Award
The Trust received an inaugural Green Flag Award for excellence in park management.
Australasian Reporting Awards - Silver Award
The Trust received a Silver Award from the Australian Reporting Awards Inc. for its Centennial Parklands 2009-10 Annual Report.
Australasian Reporting Awards - Silver Award
The Trust received a Silver Award from the Australian Reporting Awards Inc. for its Centennial Parklands 2008-09 Annual Report.
Runner-Up: Premier's Public Sector Awards
The Trust received a runners-up recognition in the 2009 Premier's Public Sector Awards for its Park Improvement Plan 2003-2009. The Award recognises the Trust's delivery of the seven-year Plan that included over 100 individual projects to upgrade and enhance the Parklands and its facilities.
Australasian Reporting Awards - Silver Award
The Trust received a Silver Award from the Australian Reporting Awards Inc. for its Centennial Parklands 2007-08 Annual Report.
Australasian Reporting Awards - Silver Award
The Trust received a Silver Award from the Australian Reporting Awards Inc. for its Centennial Parklands 2006-07 Annual Report.
Sites chosen as Threatened Species Demonstration Sites
The NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change recognised the Trust’s two Eastern Suburbs Banksia Scrub (ESBS) restoration sites as best practice “Threatened Species Demonstration Sites”. Works performed on these sites will be used to demonstrate best practice management of ESBS to relevant stakeholders and the wider community.
Australasian Reporting Awards - Silver Award
The Trust received a Silver Award from the Australian Reporting Awards Inc. for its Centennial Parklands 2005-06 Annual Report.
National Trust - Heritage Awards
The Trust received a Conservation Landscape Heritage award (Corporate/Government) from sponsors EnergyAustralia for its Eastern Suburbs Banksia Scrub Rehabilitation project.
Architecture Award (Public Buildings category)
The Trust received an Architecture Award from the Royal Australian Institute of Landscape Architects for its Centennial Parklands Amenities project, as part of the Parklands' $5 million Park Improvement Plan. The Trust would like to recognise the program designer - Lahz Nimmo Architects for their work on this project.
Stewardship Award
The Trust received a Stewardship Award from the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects for its Park Improvement Plan. The award citation stated: "the rigour and consultation associated with the development of the Park Improvement Plan - a NSW Treasury approved capital program of $50 million over a period of seven years that will result in significant improvements across the Parklands."
Australasian Reporting Awards - Silver Award
The Trust received a Silver Award from the Australian Reporting Awards Inc. for its Centennial Parklands 2004-2005 Annual Report. The award citation stated: "that adequate disclosure of key aspects of the core business and the addressing of current legislative and regulatory achievements."
Australasian Reporting Awards - Silver Award
The Trust received a Silver Award from the Australian Reporting Awards Inc. for its Centennial Parklands 2003-2004 Annual Report. The award citation stated: "That Centennial Parklands presented outstanding reporting against Plan of Management strategies, Triple Bottom Line, Key Performance Indicators. Also one of two finalists for Best first time Entry."
Local Government Excellence in the Environment Awards
The Trust was a "Category Winner - Biodiversity Management Winner - Division C - Biodiversity Management". The award citation stated: "Great work in increasing the biodiversity of our natural bushland through the extermination of feral animals and, the co-operation between Local and State Government to achieve environmental outcomes."
Design - Transport and Infrastructure
The Trust received an award from the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects for its Moore Park Bus Interchange Project. The award citation stated: "A clever resolution of a site with dual and conflicting purposes - as a park and bus interchange. The design manages the intense periodic use of the site by substantial crowds through re-organisation of paths, pavements and roads and signals these in the broader landscape by definitive avenue planting, innovative lighting and signs. A skilful command of scale and site organisation achieves a seamless transition from the traditional parklands to the entrances to the major recreational facilities. A valuable improvement of the experience of public transport at the site of many major Sydney events." The Trust would like to recognise Spackman and Mossop Landscape Architecture for their work on this project.
Conservation - Heritage Related Management Plans
The Trust received an award from the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects for its Centennial Parklands Tree Master Plan. The award citation stated: "Proactive and groundbreaking approach to a major issue in Australia’s older urban parks, that of managing tree populations as they age and as values change. A comprehensive and specialist study that produced a series of working documents specifically targeted at working groups and decision-makers.A brave confrontation of complex and difficult issues with clearly argued recommendations to form the basis for future action." The Trust would like to recognise Context Landscape Design for their work on this project. More info
Organisation of the Year 2002 Award
The Trust received an award from the peak industry body, Parks and Leisure Australia, recognising the Trust for proving of outstanding contribution to the development and standard of the Parks and Leisure Industry of Australia. The award citation stated: "Key features were: industry best practice; benchmaking; innovation; community involvement; research, leadership and partnerships."
Commendation Civic Design
The Trust received an award from the Royal Australian Institute of Architects for its Moore Park Bus Station. The Trust would like to recognise Bligh Voller Nield for their work on this project.
Excellence in Landscape Construction - Environmental/Rehabilitation
The Trust received an award from the Landscape Contractors Association of NSW for its Duck Pond Intrepretation Maze. The Trust would like to recognise Griffith Landscape Management for their work on this project.
Excellence in Landscape Construction
The Trust received an award from the Landscape Contractors Association of NSW (in the Construction $125, 000 - $500,000 category) for its Café Centennial Park project.
Excellence in Construction Awards - Certificate of Merit
The Trust received an award from the Master Builders Association (Building Sporting Facilities up to $2 million category) for its Moore Park Golf Driving Range project. The Trust would like to recognise Abigroup Contractors Pty Ltd for their work on this project.